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CLIA ANILUPA of Associação de Ludotecas do Porto is an educational and cultural centre that develops a wide variety of activities in the field of animation.
years of experience
participants in animation workshops
visitors per year
Animation centre ANILUPA (CLIA Anilupa) of Associação de Ludotecas do Porto is an educational and cultural centre that develops a wide variety of activities in the field of animation, targeting educational, social and cultural organizations as well as the general public.
The interactive exhibition space of CLIA Anilupa provides the possibility to experiment and explore the pre-cinema devices, to watch the films made by the participants of animation workshops and to learn about the research and educational processes behind the scenes. CLIA Anilupa aims to encourage active participation of all members of the public by giving the possibility to get involved in film production, to learn about the emergence of cinema in interactive way and to participate in other educational and creative activities.
CLIA Anilupa was founded following the success of Animation studio Anilupa, which was created at ALP in 1990 and provided workshops of animation for non-professional public.
The filmography of the centre at the moment contains more than 250 films, made by children, young people and adults from various organisations, available on our Digital Film Library.
Experimente procurar por palavras-chave, relacionadas com os conteúdos dos filmes:
Ambiente, Intergeracional, Direitos, Tradição, Igualdade, Ribeira, Personalidades, Poético, Musical, etc.
Volte aos filtros de pesquisa no Catálogo de Obras para procurar por Categoria, Área disciplinar, Projeto, Instituições envolvidas, Local, Técnicas de Animação ou outros critérios específicos.
Entidade de Resolução Conflitos de Consumo (RAL) da área é o CIPAC – Centro de Informação de Consumo e Arbitragem do Porto, com sede na Rua Damião de Góis, n.º 31, loja 6, 4050-225 Porto (